The mission of the Disaster Services Corporation is to model the charism of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul by providing quality programs and services to families and communities impacted by natural and manmade disasters across this great nation.
Our vision is to be a self-sustaining non-profit organization that empowers Vincentians nationwide to provide continuous, compassionate, and effective assistance to disaster survivors, ensuring long-term recovery and resilience in communities affected by natural and man-made disasters.
Our core values are:
- RESPECT - Demonstrated by the belief that all people are children of God.
- TOLERANCE - Demonstrated by recognition of our own imperfections and the imperfections of others.
- SPIRITUALITY - Demonstrated by our faith in God, hope for our future, and love of all people.
- JUSTICE - Demonstrated by advocacy for issues affecting the poor.
- DIGNITY - Demonstrated by the respect with which we treat people.
- EMPOWERMENT - Demonstrated by teaching self-sufficiency and life skills.
- STEWARDSHIP - Demonstrated by prudent use of all resources, respecting the wishes of donors.
- COMPASSION - Demonstrated by empathy, understanding, and ministries of hospitality
"Strength lies in differences, not in similarities." - Stephen R. Covey